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Data protection principles in customer care
In terms of the operation of the hosting company, it is necessary to collect and manage personal data related to client companies and their customers. The processing of personal data has been agreed with each client company in a separate data protection appendix. All processing of personal data takes place while respecting the privacy of the persons in the register.
Oiva Isännöinti Group Oy (3217413-6)
Atomitie 2 B, 00370 Helsinki
Office contact details: www.oi.fi
Data security officer: tietosuoja@oi.fi
The methods of appropriate data processing ensure that our operating methods in processing personal data and the measures to protect personal data are appropriate. The appropriate data processing procedure has been implemented in Oiva Isännöinti Group in the following way:
We need the personal information of the shareholder, board member and resident so that we can identify our customers when they do business with our hosting company or in our electronic services and handle the tasks and notifications that come through them, such as alteration work, moving notifications, ordering and delivery of documents, and feedback. We use information in the housing association’s administration and financial management and technical maintenance tasks, in the housing association’s consideration and rent control, in collecting receivables, informing residents, organizing services acquired for the housing association, managing the composition of the board of directors, taking care of official notifications, and complying with the information collection tasks required by the Money Laundering Act. In addition, the data can be processed when monitoring the interests of the hosting company and the housing association, as well as to fulfill statutory obligations.
We process and store personal data on behalf of our customers primarily in the following registers:
Legal basis for processing: Implementation of the agreement between the controller and the data subject.
Legal basis for processing: Implementation of the agreement between the controller and the data subject and the legitimate interest of the controller.
Legal basis for processing: Compliance with the legal obligation of the controller.
Legal basis for processing: Compliance with the legal obligation of the controller.
Legal basis for processing: Compliance with the legal obligation of the controller.
Legal basis for processing: Compliance with the legal obligation of the controller.
The information is obtained mainly from the person himself or from the organization he represents when entering into a contract or moving in, from a housing company, or from a third party (apartment information system, Land Survey, other authority, website service provider). Personal data is also obtained from the previous hosting company in connection with a change of hosting manager.
Not all of the information mentioned above may be collected from all registered users. If the personal identification number is necessary information in terms of collecting payments related to housing services, they will also be registered.
We store personal data for the statutory period or for the period when the resident/partner lives in the housing association or the housing association is a customer of our hosting company. After this, we retain the data for a predetermined period of time and only as long and to the extent that it is necessary for customer transfer, invoicing, collection and legal proceedings.
You can get more information about the storage of personal data from the data protection officer at tietosuoja@oi.fi.
Personal data is disclosed to the official representatives of your housing company in order to perform these tasks, as well as to service providers used by the housing company and hosting company, such as maintenance and collection companies. In addition, information can be disclosed to the building’s resident, partner or authority as required by legislation. In addition to these, personal data can be disclosed to an authority that submits a request for information based on the law.
Whenever possible, we have chosen to store data in secure data centers located in Europe. Some of the service providers we use may be located outside the EU or the European Economic Area or back up data in third countries.
You can get more information about the international transfer of personal data from the data protection officer at tietosuoja@oi.fi.
In our hosting company, a separate personal data protection and data security instruction has been drawn up and the data protection awareness of the personnel is maintained through regular training. Personal data is stored in a secure environment and is used only by the employees of the hosting company at their secure workstations, where the employees can log in with their personal user ID. Processing rights are limited to maintenance and administrative tasks related to handling the customer and only to those whose tasks the processing of the data in question is necessary to perform. The facilities and equipment are protected by appropriate security and monitoring systems. The fight against abuse and intrusion attempts is implemented with different levels of technical and application solutions.
The registered person has the right to receive information about the personal data concerning him/her, the right to request the correction or deletion of the personal data concerning him/herself or the restriction of the processing, and the right to object to the processing of the personal data concerning him/herself. However, there is no right to delete, limit or object to data whose processing is necessary or necessary. The request must be submitted in writing to the person responsible for registry matters (contact information below).
We do not make decisions based on automatic decision-making or profiling based on the personal data we process.
The registered person has the right to have the case regarding the implementation of rights related to data protection handled by the supervisory authority, if we have not complied with the regulations regarding data protection.
Contact information of the supervisory authority:
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto
Käyntiosoite: Lintulahdenkuja 4, 00530 Helsinki
Postiosoite: PL 800, 00531 Helsinki
Sähköposti: tietosuoja@om.fi
Puhelinvaihde: 029 566 6700
For questions regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact the data protection officer of Oiva Isännöinti Group Oy at the address tietosuja@oi.fi.