Etusivu » Housing » Consumption readings

Report the consumption readings

With this form, you can report the water meter readings of your apartment for billing.

Submit Water Meter Reading

With this form, you can submit the water meter readings for your apartment for the purpose of reconciliation billing.

document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function() { // Get the dropdown element by its ID var dropdown = document.getElementById(‘field_sh74u’); var submitButton = document.getElementsByClassName(“frm_final_submit”)[0]; // Create the span element with the link var viiluMessage = document.createElement(‘span’); viiluMessage.innerHTML = ‘Kyseisen toimiston asiakkaat voivat täyttää lomakkeet palvelussa Viilu‘; viiluMessage.classList.add(‘viiluMessage’); // Add class to the span // Style the span = ‘relative’; = ‘1rem’; // Attach a change event listener to the dropdown dropdown.addEventListener(‘change’, function() { // Check if the selected value is “Oiva Isännöinti Seinäjoki” if (this.value === “6047”) { = ‘none’ // Get all elements with class ‘frm_top_container’ var containers = document.querySelectorAll(‘.frm_top_container’); containers.forEach(function(container) { // Check if the element does not have the class ‘frm_dynamic_select_container’ if (!container.classList.contains(‘frm_dynamic_select_container’)) { = ‘none’; } }); // Hide all h5 and span elements that are children of elements with the class frm_form_field var childElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.frm_form_field h5, .frm_form_field span’); childElements.forEach(function(element) { = ‘none’; }); dropdown.parentNode.insertBefore(viiluMessage, dropdown.nextSibling); } else { // Remove the welcome span if it’s in the DOM if (viiluMessage.parentNode) { viiluMessage.parentNode.removeChild(viiluMessage); } = ” // Get all elements with class ‘frm_top_container’ // that don’t have the class ‘frm_dynamic_select_container’ var containers = document.querySelectorAll(‘.frm_top_container:not(.frm_dynamic_select_container)’); containers.forEach(function(container) { = ”; }); // Show all h5 and span elements that are children of elements with the class frm_form_field var childElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.frm_form_field h5, .frm_form_field span’); childElements.forEach(function(element) { = ”; }); } }); });