Are you searching for a turnkey service or the actual keys? Find them both here! You can order another set of patent-protected keys with the help of our digital assistants. Orders can be made by the apartment owner or a person authorized by the owner. You can order the keys using the form below. The locksmith will charge a fee according to their price list.
Ordering Extra Keys
Please note that only the apartment owner can order extra keys. Keys are only handed over to the shareholder or to a person who has a power of attorney from the shareholder for picking up the keys. When picking up the keys, an ID must be presented. The order is made through the property management office.
document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function() {
// Get the dropdown element by its ID
var dropdown = document.getElementById(‘field_formidable_key_order_company2’);
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// Create the span element with the link
var viiluMessage = document.createElement(‘span’);
viiluMessage.innerHTML = ‘Kyseisen toimiston asiakkaat voivat täyttää lomakkeet palvelussa Viilu‘;
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// Style the span = ‘relative’; = ‘1rem’;
// Attach a change event listener to the dropdown
dropdown.addEventListener(‘change’, function() {
// Check if the selected value is “Oiva Isännöinti Seinäjoki”
if (this.value === “6047”) { = ‘none’
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childElements.forEach(function(element) { = ‘none’;
dropdown.parentNode.insertBefore(viiluMessage, dropdown.nextSibling);
} else {
// Remove the welcome span if it’s in the DOM
if (viiluMessage.parentNode) {
} = ”
// Get all elements with class ‘frm_top_container’
// that don’t have the class ‘frm_dynamic_select_container’
var containers = document.querySelectorAll(‘.frm_top_container:not(.frm_dynamic_select_container)’);
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childElements.forEach(function(element) { = ”;
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